Our Top 5 Social Stories for February 2020

Social Stories Club is a sustainable gift supplier who create ethical gift boxes and sustainable gift hampers. Our Scottish social enterprise gifting company creates sustainable gifts for clients and exciting gifts for employees. If you are looking for gifts that are different, gifts that give back, gifts that support communities, and gifts that are environmentally friendly, Social Stories Club is here to help. We cannot believe it is almost the end of February. 2020 has been a fantastic year so far. Our corporate gift hampers supporting the sustainable development goals (SDGs) have been really popular and we have expanded our range of gifts for clients and employees. We have also had many orders for corporate bespoke gift hampers with personalization, so if you know a company looking for a sustainable gifting supplier, please let them know about the work we are doing at Social Stories Club. Of course you are here for some more social stories, so here is our Top 5 Social Stories for February 2020.
1. Fancy composting your household waste yourself? This compact urbanised composter is the perfect addition to any kitchen and allows you to effectively compost and contribute to the environment!
2. Did you ever think there could be a web browser better than Google? Ecosia plants a tree for every search you make!
3. Ever wondered what happens when you leave a festival and all of your stuff behind? Usually, it goes to landfill, but Billygoats & Raincoats have found a solution! They turn old tents into raincoats and repurposed fashion!
4. The Yard is a charity in the east of Scotland that wants fun for all ages and abilities! This charity helps disabled children and their siblings to experience creative, indoor and outdoor play in well-supported environments!
5. Have you ever wondered what the 100 most sustainable billion $ companies in the world are? Forbes has created a list for 2020 that surprisingly includes electricity and oil companies!
If you like these social stories and would like to hear more, please sign up to our mailing list at the bottom of the page. We share our Top 5 Social Stories with you every month but you can also learn more about how our eco-friendly gifts are building valuable corporate relationships.