Cultivating a Sustainable Culture: Attracting the Best Talent to Your Corporate Team

Cultivating a Sustainable Culture: Attracting the Best Talent to Your Corporate Team


In today's competitive business landscape, attracting top talent is more challenging than ever. Graduates, especially the millennial and Gen Z cohorts, are placing a significant emphasis on sustainability when evaluating potential employers. To attract the best talent, companies must recognise the importance of sustainability and integrate it into their corporate culture. In this blog, we will explore why graduates care about sustainability and how companies can cultivate a culture of sustainability to appeal to these environmentally-conscious individuals, for example by selecting sustainable corporate gift hampers.

Why Graduates Care About Sustainability:

Today's graduates are growing up in a world that is increasingly aware of the implications of environmental challenges. These young individuals are often passionate about mitigating the damaging effects of climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, and they are actively seeking ways to contribute positively towards the environment in both their personal and professional lives.

A crucial aspect that distinguishes these graduates is their conviction that businesses can and should play a significant role in addressing these environmental challenges. With information readily available at their fingertips, millennials and Gen Zs are well-informed about the enormous impact corporations can have on the environment, both positively and negatively. Therefore, they are increasingly holding businesses accountable for their environmental footprint and are demanding that they adopt sustainable practices.

The Deloitte survey cited 50% of millennials and Gen Zs examine a company's environmental practices before applying. This sentiment is not merely about holding corporations accountable; it's also about the desire to participate in the solution. When they enter the workforce, these graduates are looking for more than just a paycheck. They want to be part of organisations that reflect their values and beliefs, especially concerning sustainability.

The concern about sustainability among graduates is also rooted in the understanding that their generation will bear the brunt of the consequences if current environmental challenges are not addressed effectively. It's a matter of their future, and they care deeply about the legacy they will leave for generations to come.

Therefore, a commitment to sustainability has become a vital factor for many graduates when choosing their employers. Businesses that show they are actively engaged in sustainability practices not only help to address the pressing environmental challenges but also position themselves as attractive destinations for these bright, environmentally-conscious graduates.

This growing trend points towards a future where businesses' commitment to sustainability will be a norm, not an exception. It underscores the shifting landscape of the workplace where a company's environmental footprint will become as important as its products, services, or financial performance. This transformation is driven, in part, by the passionate and informed graduates who value and prioritise sustainability.

How to Cultivate a Culture of Sustainability:

Emphasise Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a cornerstone of modern business practices for several years now, focusing on how businesses manage their operations to produce an overall positive societal impact. CSR encompasses various areas, including social, economic, and environmental aspects, with sustainability being a key element of the environmental dimension.

As graduates become more concerned about environmental issues, companies need to be proactive in setting and achieving sustainability goals as part of their CSR initiatives. Setting these goals often involves measurable targets related to reducing carbon emissions, waste, and water usage, which are key indicators of environmental impact.

For example, a company might aim to reduce its carbon emissions by 20% over the next five years. This might involve investing in energy-efficient technologies, using renewable energy sources, or implementing policies to reduce business travel. Similarly, waste reduction goals could be met by incorporating recycling initiatives, adopting a circular economy approach, or reducing packaging materials.

Water usage is another crucial area where companies can set reduction goals. This could be achieved through efficient water use in manufacturing processes, investing in water-saving technologies, or even creating products that require less water for end-users.

Sharing these goals and progress updates publicly is another important aspect. It’s not enough for a company to simply have sustainability goals – they need to be transparent about these ambitions and their journey towards achieving them. This transparency is essential for demonstrating to stakeholders, including employees, customers, and shareholders, that the company is genuinely committed to sustainability.

Publicly sharing progress also holds companies accountable to their goals. It provides a benchmark that stakeholders can use to assess whether a company is truly dedicated to sustainability or merely making empty promises. It can also stimulate competition among businesses, encouraging them to outdo each other in their sustainability efforts.

By incorporating sustainability goals into CSR initiatives, companies not only help tackle environmental challenges but also enhance their brand value. They attract environmentally conscious graduates and customers, improve relationships with local communities, and can even realise cost savings from more efficient resource use.

Green Workspaces:

Green or eco-friendly workspaces are a tangible manifestation of a company's commitment to sustainability. By creating a workspace that reduces environmental impact, companies not only lower their carbon footprint, but they also create a healthier, more engaging environment that can boost employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall well-being.

One of the primary steps in creating a green workspace is implementing energy-efficient lighting. Switching to LED or other energy-efficient bulbs can reduce a company's energy consumption significantly, as lighting often accounts for a large portion of a business's energy use. Additionally, incorporating natural light wherever possible can reduce the need for artificial lighting and improve the workspace's overall atmosphere.

Utilising recyclable materials is another way to green a workspace. This can involve choosing office furniture and supplies made from recycled or sustainably sourced materials, or it might mean using reusable items, such as mugs and plates, instead of disposable ones. Similarly, encouraging waste reduction and recycling among employees is crucial. Companies can make recycling easy and accessible by placing clearly marked recycling bins around the office and educating employees about what can be recycled.

Promoting sustainable commuting practices is another effective way to encourage sustainability in the workspace. Companies can offer incentives for employees to carpool, use public transportation, bike, or even walk to work. These incentives might include subsidising public transportation costs, providing secure bicycle storage, or allocating preferred parking spots for carpool vehicles. Not only do these practices reduce carbon emissions, but they can also foster a sense of community among employees and improve their physical health.

Creating green spaces within the workplace, such as indoor plants or even outdoor gardens where possible, can also contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment. These spaces can improve air quality, reduce stress, and increase employee satisfaction.

Investing in green technologies like renewable energy sources (like solar panels), energy-efficient appliances, and water-saving devices can also greatly contribute to making a workspace more eco-friendly.

Remember, while creating a green workspace involves initial costs and effort, the long-term benefits for the environment, the company's image, and the employees' well-being make it a worthwhile investment. Such visible commitment to sustainability can also be a strong selling point for attracting environmentally-conscious graduates and consumers alike. They see such companies as responsible, forward-thinking entities they would like to associate with, either as employees or customers.

Education and Awareness:

Education and awareness are pivotal in creating a robust sustainability culture within an organisation. Often, individuals want to contribute to sustainability efforts but may lack the knowledge or understanding of how they can make a difference. That's where the role of education and awareness comes in.

Organising workshops and training sessions about sustainability can be an excellent way to educate employees about the urgency and relevance of the issue. These sessions could include discussions on the current state of the environment, the impact of business operations on it, and the potential future if sustainable practices are not adopted. By conveying the importance of sustainability, companies can motivate their employees to take action.

Training sessions should also provide practical, actionable ways employees can contribute to the company's sustainability efforts. This might involve teaching them how to reduce energy use, recycle properly, or make sustainable choices in their work tasks. They could also be educated about the company's specific sustainability goals and how their individual actions contribute towards achieving those goals.

Promoting sustainability education also involves encouraging a sustainability-focused mindset. This means fostering an organisational culture where sustainability is a core value that informs all decision-making processes, from high-level strategic decisions to everyday operational tasks. Employees should feel that their actions make a difference and that they are part of a collective effort towards a common goal.

Furthermore, education and awareness should not be one-off events. Sustainability is a dynamic field, with new innovations and ideas emerging constantly. Regular updates and continuous learning opportunities can help keep the importance of sustainability fresh in employees' minds and allow them to keep up with new ways they can contribute.

Moreover, companies can create sustainability ambassadors or green teams among their employees, who can drive these educational initiatives and foster a culture of sustainability within the organisation. These teams can lead by example and motivate their colleagues to participate in sustainability initiatives.

Finally, it's essential to recognise and celebrate the efforts and contributions employees make towards sustainability. This can further motivate employees and reinforce the importance the company places on sustainability.

In conclusion, through education and awareness, companies can make sustainability a lived value within the organisation, rather than just a stated one. This not only helps in achieving the company's sustainability goals but also makes the company a more attractive place for environmentally-conscious graduates who want to work in a place that aligns with their values.

Incorporate Social Enterprise Products such as sustainable corporate gift hampers: 

Social enterprises are organisations that apply commercial strategies to maximise improvements in social and environmental well-being. This could be through offering products and services that directly benefit the environment or by reinvesting their profits in a socially or environmentally beneficial cause. By sourcing from these enterprises, companies can contribute towards social and environmental welfare while still fulfilling their business needs.

Incorporating social enterprise products in the workplace can take many forms. One approach is to use office supplies made by social enterprises. This could include stationery items made from recycled materials, fair-trade coffee for the break room, or furniture created by companies that employ and train individuals from disadvantaged communities.

Another avenue is through branded merchandise. Many companies give out merchandise as promotional items, gifts, or rewards. Choosing to source these items from social enterprises can mean that these giveaways are not just brand enhancers, but also vehicles for positive change. For instance, a company might choose to give out eco-friendly tote bags made by a social enterprise that employs refugees, thus supporting both environmental sustainability and social inclusion.

Companies can also choose social enterprise products for corporate gifting. Rather than traditional gifts, companies can opt for presents that carry a social or environmental message. These gifts will not only delight the receiver but also contribute to a worthy cause, thereby amplifying their positive impact.

Choosing to source products from social enterprises sends a strong message about a company's values. It shows that the company is committed to making a positive social and environmental impact and is prepared to put its money where its mouth is. This can help the company stand out to customers, employees, and potential recruits as a business that truly cares about more than just profits.

Moreover, supporting social enterprises can also have a ripple effect, encouraging more such ventures to flourish. This can lead to the creation of more products and services that benefit society and the environment, thereby driving the overall sustainability movement forward.

In conclusion, incorporating social enterprise products is not just a way for companies to fulfill their business needs; it's also a powerful tool for promoting sustainability, social equity, and positive change. For environmentally conscious graduates, this commitment to positive impact can make a company an attractive place to work, aligning with their values and aspirations to make a difference.

Social enterprise gifting is growing in popularity in the world of corporate gifting, there's an expanding trend that businesses are leveraging to underscore their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives while showing appreciation for their employees, partners, and customers. This new trend is Social Enterprise Gifting. Companies like Social Stories Club are leading the charge, offering businesses an opportunity to purchase gifts that not only delight recipients but also align with a broader social and environmental ethos.

When corporations choose social enterprise gifts, they are purchasing products that meet their corporate gifting needs while simultaneously supporting social enterprises—businesses that are not just about making a profit but also creating a positive societal impact. This method of gifting aligns directly with a company's commitment to sustainability and CSR, positioning the organisation as both caring and conscious.

There are numerous possibilities when it comes to socially responsible gift hampers. These sustainable corporate hampers can be filled with eco-friendly merchandise like reusable water bottles or organic cotton tote bags, to snacks made out of wonky fruit that would otherwise go to waste. They may also include items that support charitable causes, like soap designed by individuals with disabilities.

Choosing to gift items from social enterprises is not just a powerful expression of a company's values—it's also a message of respect and care for its employees. By selecting such sustainable gifts, companies are indirectly communicating to their employees that they value the same issues, be it climate change, poverty reduction, or ethical labor practices. This shared values system fosters a deeper bond between the company and its employees, boosting morale and improving team cohesion.

Furthermore, these types of gifts make employees feel proud to be part of a company that cares about its impact on the world. This sense of pride and belonging can boost job satisfaction, improve employee retention rates, and even enhance a company’s reputation as an employer of choice, making it easier to attract top talent.

Additionally, there is a ripple effect of social enterprise gifting. As employees, partners, and customers receive these thoughtful sustainable gift hampers, they become aware of the social enterprises behind the products and their missions. This exposure can spark individual interest in these causes, leading to further support for these organisations and an extended societal impact.

Volunteering and Community Engagement:

In the contemporary business world, it's not just the product or service a company offers that defines its success. Rather, a truly successful organisation is one that cultivates a sense of purpose and community among its members. One powerful way to do this is by actively encouraging and organising team volunteering activities centered around environmental initiatives.

There is a wide array of activities that companies can consider when embarking on this journey of volunteering and community engagement. These might include beach clean-ups, tree planting endeavors, or becoming involved in local sustainability projects. The choice of activity should ideally resonate with your company’s values and mission and align with your team's interests and passions.

Participation in beach clean-ups is not just about making our coastlines cleaner and safer; it's a hands-on education in environmental stewardship. Employees learn about the extent of pollution in our oceans, the impact of waste on marine life, and the need to reduce, reuse, and recycle. This enhanced awareness often translates into more eco-friendly behaviors in the office and beyond.

Tree planting initiatives, on the other hand, are a tangible way of offsetting carbon emissions. Trees act as the lungs of the Earth, absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen. By planting trees, your team can contribute to combating climate change and preserving biodiversity. This activity can inspire employees to adopt more sustainable practices, such as minimising paper usage and supporting businesses with robust reforestation programs.

Involvement in local sustainability projects could mean partnering with community gardens, contributing to renewable energy initiatives, or assisting with conservation efforts. Such projects give employees the chance to understand the unique environmental challenges and solutions in their local community, fostering a sense of connection and pride in their locale.

Partaking in these environmental initiatives instills a sense of purpose within your organisation. Employees often derive a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from knowing they are contributing to a cause larger than themselves. This shared sense of purpose can significantly improve employee motivation, engagement, and overall job satisfaction.

Moreover, engaging in environmental volunteering as a team fosters a sense of community within your organisation. These activities necessitate cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork—essential elements in building stronger relationships and trust among team members. Employees learn to work together outside of their usual work context, leading to improved teamwork back in the office.

Moreover, such activities can improve your company's reputation in the community. By publicly demonstrating your commitment to environmental responsibility, your company shows that it cares about its impact and is willing to invest in making the world a better place. This can help attract like-minded employees, partners, and customers, thereby contributing to your company's overall growth and success.


By cultivating a culture of sustainability, corporates can not only attract the best talent but also foster a positive and impactful work environment. Graduates today seek employers who align with their values and prioritise sustainability. Integrating eco-conscious practices, supporting social enterprises, and offering sustainable gifts all play pivotal roles in building a corporate identity that resonates with the environmentally-conscious workforce of the future. Embracing sustainability not only benefits your company but also contributes to a better world for generations to come. If you want to welcome your new cohort of graduates to the team, head over to our corporate gifting page and see sustainable gifts for employees. If you are looking for sustainable christmas hampers for clients, branded corporate gifts, or bespoke corporate gifts we will be able to create the perfect gift for you. 

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Corporate Gifting - gift card with gift hamper

Social Stories Club Corporate Gifting

If you are looking to show your team how much they are appreciated, attract and retain clients, or you have a corporate event and you want to create an impression, then our sustainable corporate hampers are just what you need. We have created the most exciting gift to give and receive which are packaged beautifully using sustainable materials, filled with delicious products made by social enterprises, and also include a storybook starting conversations about sustainability.

"Social Stories Club is a fantastic initiative that enables social enterprises to collaborate in such a creative way. The perfect way to buy gifts with a social impact" - David Adair, Head of Community Engagement, PwC